Teach the teacher in molecular diagnostics

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In this webinar, we will explore the training of diagnostic molecular technologists and opportunities for continuing education. We will first take a look at the current training programs in the US to get a better understanding of the graduates entering the workforce. Then we will take a deeper dive on the types of continuing education for the working technologist and discuss the results of a survey sent to over 1000 graduates of the MD Anderson training program. We will then conclude with Dr. Hu’s personal experiences as an educator followed by an interactive Q&A and discussion session.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the current diagnostic molecular training programs in the US
  • Describe the current diagnostic molecular technologist workforce
  • Identify continuing education topics for the working molecular technologist

Peter Hu, PhD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston

Duration: 1 Hour
Level of Instruction: Basic
Date Recorded: May 29, 2024

Planned and coordinated by the Education Community of Practice (EdCoPs) and the Training and Education Committee

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