This content was created in 2018, but has been reviewed and approved by the Training & Education Committee as useful, accurate, and relevant. Please note that in the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.
AMP Education is constantly updating our educational offerings, and will remove or replace content that is no longer accurate. Please be sure to use the search function to find related or updated material available in our catalogue at The Training and Education Committee works with AMP Education Programs to bring you the most up-to-date and cutting-edge information on molecular pathology research, applications, and training.
Speaker: Sinchita Roy-Chowdhuri, MD, PhD |
Speaker: Christopher R. Gilbert, DO, MS, FCCP |
Moderator: Lynette M. Sholl, MD |
This webinar is a recorded presentation of a live broadcast and includes the presentation, handout, and the audience QA.
This session will focus on clinical questions guiding lung cancer molecular testing and best practices for specimen collection, processing, and handling for maximizing tissue for ancillary studies. A case-based approach will be taken and issues pertaining to tissue collection and processing for adequate diagnostic yield and subsequent ancillary testing will be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key obstacles to ensuring adequate specimen collection for molecular analysis in NSCLC patients.
- Discuss approaches for optimal tissue processing to maximize chances of ensuring successful molecular testing in NSCLC specimens.
Recording Date: December 13, 2018
Duration: 1 hr
Level of Instruction: Basic
CE Credit for this course has expired.
This webinar is part 5 of a five-part series aimed at breaking down barriers to NSCLC testing and treatment.
For more information on this series, please go here.
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