AMP Europe 2018: Oral Presentations of selected abstracts 2

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Please note that this content was created in 2018. In the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.

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This is a recording of a session from AMP Europe 2018 meeting in Rotterdam. Purchase the entire AMP Europe 2018 Recordings for a significant discount!

Oral Presentations of selected abstracts

Assessment of Circulating Tumor DNA in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated with Cetuximab Monotherapy
Lindsay Angus (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

External Quality Assessment Schemes for Gene Mutation Testing in Oncology: Comparison of Performance between FFPE-Tissue and ctDNA in Plasma
Kaat Van Casteren (Leuven, Belgium)

Development and Characterization of Multigene Molecular Cytopathology Cell Slides as a Potential Fine Needle Aspirate (FNA)-Mimetic Specimen for Proficiency Testing
Sonika Saddar (Milpitas, USA)

Use of Highly Multiplexed Reference Materials to Facilitate Validation of a Clinical NGS Tumor Fusion RNA Assay
Dan Brudzewsky (Gaithersburg, USA)


  • Analyze presentations of abstracts highlighted by the Organizing Committee as particularly significant.
  • Evaluate the scientific merit and significance of these selected studies through further discussion with the authors.

Duration: 0.75 hr
Recording Date: May 1, 2018

Last day to purchase: December 31, 2021

There are no CME/CMLE or SAMs credits available.

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