AMP Annual Meeting 2018: The Growth and Evolution of Consumer Genetic Testing

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Please note that this content was created in 2018. In the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.

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This is a recording of a session from the AMP 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo. Purchase the entire AMP Annual Meeting & Expo 2018 Recordings for a significant discount!

Consumer genetic tests have gained increasing prominence during the past several years. Offerings range from tests for ancestry and physical traits like eye color to medically relevant assays for the predisposition to disease. This session will discuss the evolving and future roles of consumer genetic tests in contemporary healthcare and examine key issues such as reporting, privacy, patient and provider comprehension, and regulation.

(Sponsored by the Professional Relations Committee)
Jill Hagenkord, MD, Color Genomics, Burlingame, CA, USA
Elissa Levin, MS, Helix, San Francisco, CA, USA
Danielle Bonadies, MS, My Gene Counsel, Branford, CT, USA
Altovise Ewing, PhD, 23and Me , Mountain View, CA, USA


  • Describe the current consumer genetic testing landscape.
  • Explore the positive and negative features of consumer genetic testing from different stakeholder perspectives.
  • Discuss potential roles for AMP and our members in this novel, alternative model of healthcare delivery. 

Duration: 1.00 hr
Recording Date: November 2, 2018

Last day to purchase: December 31, 2021

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