AMP Annual Meeting 2018: Platform Presentations of Selected Hematopathology Abstracts

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Please note that this content was created in 2018. In the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.

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This is a recording of a session from the AMP 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo. Purchase the entire AMP Annual Meeting & Expo 2018 Recordings for a significant discount!

Platform presentations of selected Hematopathology abstracts.

H025 - Ultradeep Error Corrected Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) of ABL1 Kinase Domain Mutations in BCR-ABL1 Positive Malignancies
Nikhil Patkar, MD, Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

H041 -  Longitudinal Monitoring of AML Tumors with High-throughput Single-Cell DNA Sequencing Reveals Rare Clones Prognostic for Disease Progression and Therapy Response
Dennis J. Eastburn, PhD, Mission Bio, Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA

H014 - Mate Pair Sequencing: Ushering Cytogenetics Into the Era of Personalized Medicine
Nicole Hoppman, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

H039 - Donor-derived Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminant Potential Mutations are Detected in Transplant Recipients after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
Jennifer Dunlap, MD, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA


  • Analyze platform presentations of abstracts highlighted by the Hematopathology Subdivision leadership as particularly significant.
  • Evaluate the scientific merit and significance of these selected studies through further discussion with the authors. 

Duration: 1.00 hr
Recording Date: November 2, 2018

Last day to purchase: December 31, 2021

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