AMP Annual Meeting 2018: Hypermutation and Mutation Signature Detection in Cancer

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Please note that this content was created in 2018. In the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.

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This is a recording of a session from the AMP 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo. Purchase the entire AMP Annual Meeting & Expo 2018 Recordings for a significant discount!

Oncogenic driver mutations have emerged as important targets for targeted kinase inhibitor therapy, but alterations in these genes often represent only a small fraction of the DNA substitutions present in human cancers. Examination of both the overall number and kind of DNA substitutions in tumors can lend insight into etiologies of mutagenesis and may predict responses to immunooncology-based therapies. Both whole exome and targeted panel data can be leveraged for broader analysis of tumor mutation burden and mutational signatures. This session will focus on approaches to TMB calculation and mutational signature detection including an emphasis on the clinical implications of these approaches.

Clinical Implications of Mutational Load and Signatures on Replication Repair Deficiency in Cancer
Uri Tabori, MD, PhD, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hypermutation in Cancer: Burden and Signatures of Mutational Processes
Ahmet Zehir, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA


  • Compare and contrast analysis of tumor mutation burden obtained using exome data versus smaller panels.
  • Summarize how tumor mutation burden correlates with response to immune-oncology treatment.
  • Discuss how mutational signatures are derived from sequencing data, including from exome and targeted sequencing data.
  • Describe the clinical significance of determining germline and somatic replication repair deficiency variants.

Duration: 1.50 hr
Recording Date: November 3, 2018

Last day to purchase: December 31, 2021

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