Recommendations for Clinical Warfarin Sensitivity Genotyping Allele Selection: A Joint Report of AMP and CAP

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This content was created in 2020, but has been reviewed and approved by the Training & Education Committee as useful, accurate, and relevant. Please note that in the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.

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This is an update from the AMP Pharmacogenomics Working Group on clinical warfarin sensitivity testing, which was recently published on line by the JMD. With a goal of promoting standardization of clinical PGx testing across different clinical laboratories, this Working Group has published recommendations on CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 allele selections previously, and now the Warfarin sensitivity genotyping allele selection for clinical laboratories to use as guidelines when designing and developing these PGx assays. Healthcare providers may also find these document useful in comparing and contrasting PGx tests across clinical laboratories when they are familiar with a “must-test” list for each of the pharmacogenes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review Warfarin pharmacogenetics (PGx) and highlight the importance of standardization of clinical PGx and its implications to patient care.
  • Review the AMP PGx Working Group 'Tier' system of PGx sequence variants/alleles recommendation.
  • Explain the key attributes of Tier 1 and Tier 2 recommended alleles for clinical Warfarin sensitivity genotyping. 

Practice Guideline Available Here

Yuan Ji, PhD, FACMG
Andria L. Del Tredici, PhD

 1 hr
Level of Instruction: Basic
Recorded: March 10, 2020


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